Learn the difference between practicing gratitude and being a grateful person

We may have come to practice gratitude for many reasons. Maybe we think that it makes us happier. Or perhaps we want to mend our relationships with our loved ones. Gratitude can do all that and more. However, instead of viewing gratitude as a practice, we can view it as a desirable trait. It can be a means to an end, but it can also be the end itself.

Doing and Becoming

Practicing gratitude can provide us with many immediate benefits. However, through consistent application, the effect goes beyond that. It can fundamentally change us into becoming a better person. Just as exercising makes us healthy or sleeping makes us rested, practicing gratitude changes us at our core. With each practice, our brain rewires itself to be more easily thankful. As a result, we become a more grateful person. The key to this transformation is consistency. Perhaps we can try recounting what we're grateful for each night before we sleep. Or maybe we can keep a journal for every time someone does something kind to us. Whatever it is, practicing daily gratitude will slowly but surely turn us into better people.

What can you do daily to become a grateful person?