Learn how gratitude fosters human connection and brings the world closer together

Gratitude maintains and grows the human connection we have with one another. It is a crucial component of human relationships. Without it, relationships crumble or become stale. It is the glue that keeps us connected.

Gratitude Validates Goodness

The value of a good deed is at least partially determined by how the recipient reacts to it. It is possible to do something horrible to another person while intending to do good. When we show our gratitude to others, we validate that what they did was good. However, when we withhold our thanks, we risk making them feel unappreciated or worse.

Gratitude Amplifies Goodness

Gratitude also makes people do kind acts to one another. It nudges us to give back to the person who acted kindly. It also encourages us to do good for other people. Additionally, when we express our gratitude to someone, we make the other person feel satisfied. We make them feel appreciated. In doing this, we unknowingly encourage them to keep doing good things.

Making the World Better

Expressing your gratitude will make the world a better place. Do this frequently, and you will grow to feel more connected with the people around you.

Who do you want to express your gratitude to?