Learn many ways you can begin to overcome perfectionism and live a more peaceful life

Letting go of perfectionism will help you avoid burnout at work, mend your relationships and improve your mental health. Previously, we looked at the signs, causes, and harmful effects of having overly high standards. Now, we'll explore practical ways to overcome it.

Setting Realistic Goals

Rather than setting impossibly high standards for yourself, aim for goals that stretch your abilities but are still within reach. Doing this will help you avoid the all-or-nothing thinking that often comes with perfectionism. You can even deliberately attempt easy goals. Doing this will help you overcome the fear of failure while giving you a sense of accomplishment.

Growth Mindset

You can also adopt a growth mindset. Instead of caring only for the results, you can focus on the process of getting better. You can also recognize that your abilities are not fixed but can improve over time. With this mindset, mistakes become a chance to learn and grow. You no longer strive to be perfect but to grow into the best version of yourself.


Finally, you can focus on taming your inner critic. You can reframe negative self-talk into more positive statements. For example, instead of telling yourself you're a failure, you can say, "I did the best I could, and that's enough." Be kind and gentle with yourself, just as you would with a good friend. Would you tell your friend that they're a failure? If not, why would you say it to yourself?

Maintaining Progress

To maintain your progress in dealing with perfectionism, keep these in mind:


Start small: Rather than trying to change everything at once, start with one or two strategies that resonate with you, and work on them consistently.


Seek support: Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you, and consider seeking professional help if needed.


Celebrate progress: Recognize and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Doing this will help you stay motivated and encouraged on your journey.


Overcoming perfectionism is a process, not an overnight transformation. With patience, you can progress toward a more fulfilling and satisfying life. Remember, you are worthy and deserving of love and acceptance, just as you are.

How will you begin to overcome your perfectionism?