Embracing stress through exercise: Learn how moving your body can make you more resilient

The modern life is full of advice on how to avoid stress. However, any activity that requires mental effort strains our brain - from walking, talking with a friend, or losing a job. As such, we should not be worried about being stressed. We only need to ensure that we don't get overwhelmed.

Growing From Stress

Few people know that mild stress can be beneficial. Stressful challenges allow you the opportunity to learn and grow. Mild stress can damage the cells in your brain. However, repair mechanisms will make them stronger for future challenges. Like a muscle, the brain becomes more resilient as you encounter more pressure. It becomes more equipped to handle difficulties in the future. A little stress is not bad for you. It is necessary for growth. When you encounter stress and have time to recover, you will come out stronger.

Cultivating Resilience

This process of straining the mind and growing is easily achievable through exercise. When you exercise, you mildly strain your body and your brain. As a result, you become physically stronger and mentally more resilient to future stress. Avoiding stress will only make you weaker. Embracing it through regular exercise will make you stronger.

Do you have an appropriate amount of stress in your life?