Learn how to respond to stress the right way and become more resilient

Stress is an inevitable part of life. But what truly matters is how you respond to it. How you do it can dramatically change how you feel afterward. If you react passively, as if there is no way out, stress can become damaging even down to the cellular level. When you do this, your brain reinforces the idea of hopelessness. You begin a downward spiral of helplessness and loss of control. Therefore, you must do something active to combat stress, like exercising. When you respond to stress actively, as if you could do something about it, your brain will learn that things are not so hopeless after all. And that feeling of being in control of how you respond will liberate you.

The Modern Life

This idea of responding to stress by being active is especially relevant in modern life. When your body encounters stress, it responds by making glucose more available in your system and storing fat in your bellies. This response makes sense twenty thousand years ago when you would have needed the energy to run away from predators. However, it is severely unsuitable for your lifestyle today. Modern life presents you with continuous stress-inducing information through various digital displays. Furthermore, you also have solutions to stress that make you inactive, such as watching TV. If you're not careful, this combination of stress and sedentary lifestyle can be dangerous. The consequences include obesity and an increased risk of heart attacks. You have to stop sitting still and start moving now.

Run Away

Your mind has an incredible connection to your body. When you think of something dangerous, your body prepares for that danger even if it is not real. On the flip side, what you do can also affect your mind. This mind-body connection is part of the reason why exercising is so effective at combating stress. When you move your body in the face of trouble, your mind recognizes that you are actively solving the issue. Essentially, you can physically run away from stress. If you are experiencing a very stressful event right now, try setting a time to do an intense exercise session. You will undoubtedly relieve your stress.

Have you been exercising enough?