Discover the hidden factors that influence your self-esteem

Many factors shape our self-esteem, both internally and externally. Here, we will explore how these influences can affect us.

External Influences

Society often sets the standard for what is considered successful or attractive. When we see others who seem to have it all together—better jobs, happier relationships, more achievements—we can feel like we don't measure up. This comparison can lead to feelings of inadequacy and lower self-esteem. This is why we should be especially wary of social media. Whether we realize it or not, we often compare ourselves to others, even if it’s on a subconscious level. We should also be selective with the people we spend time with. Being surrounded by supportive people can help us feel better about ourselves. On the other hand, being around negative people can chip away at our self-worth. On a personal level, our successes and failures impact our self-esteem. When we achieve something meaningful, our self-esteem will get a boost. But we could feel unworthy when we fail to meet our expectations. Ultimately, how we handle our achievements and setbacks will shape how we view ourselves.

Internal Influences

Internally, the way we talk to ourselves in our minds has a significant impact on our self-esteem. If our inner voice is kind, it will help build our self-worth. But if that inner voice is too critical, it can tear down our self-esteem. Over time, our self-talk matures and forms the beliefs we hold about ourselves. These are the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what we’re capable of. They will either uplift us or hold us back. From time to time, we should reflect on the stories we tell ourselves and check if they are true. Chances are we have many beliefs that are actively harming our lives.


Our self-esteem is shaped by a combination of external and internal factors. By understanding these influences, we can begin to take steps to feel more worthy and confident about ourselves.

What do you think have affected your self-esteem the most?