The good and the bad: Recognize that many things happen outside of our control

A lot of things happen outside our control. We often suffer for events we have no part in. On the other hand, we often get good things we do not deserve.

Bad Things

Bad things happen to us all the time. Sometimes, we deserve them. But often, we do not. For instance, despite working hard, we may lose our job because of the economy. We may clash with our family members simply because they are in a bad mood. Life doesn't always go our way.

Good Things

On the other hand, great things also happen to us whether we realize it or not. Some come from our efforts. But a lot of them come from sources outside ourselves. Try to think of the parental figure who worked for us to have a good meal when we were still children. Remember the friends who gave their time to listen to us talk. Think about seemingly random events that somehow worked together for our good. We would not be where we are without these good things. Kindness is everywhere around us. And we are never entitled to them a lot of the time.

Focus on the Good

Random events will happen around us. It is up to us whether we focus on the good or bad. If we make it a habit to take note of one good event every day, we will learn to be more appreciative of life.

What is one good thing that happened outside your control this week?