Are you a perfectionist? Identify the signs and symptoms right now.

Welcome to the second article in our series on perfectionism. In the previous article, we briefly touched on the signs or symptoms of perfectionism. We will now explore them more deeply and help you identify them in yourself.

Behavioral Signs

Perfectionism can manifest as different behaviors, such as working too much, micro-managing, or avoiding new challenges. Asking yourself these questions may help:


Do you often spend hours perfecting a project, even when unnecessary?


Do you find it hard to give tasks to others and trust them to do them right?


Are you afraid of trying new things because you might fail?

A "yes" to any of these questions may signal that you are too focused on wanting to be perfect.

Cognitive Signs

Perfectionism can also manifest as different thought patterns. For instance, you may often engage in all-or-nothing thinking. With this mindset, everything is either perfect or a failure. There can be no in-between. You also may tend to be overly critical of yourself and others. With this tendency, you realize the slightest flaws in people and focus on them instead of the good things. Furthermore, you may find it hard to accept constructive criticism because it may ruin the image you have built for yourself. Every critic becomes a threat to your well-being.

Emotional Signs

Finally, perfectionism can manifest in emotions such as anxiety, guilt, and shame. Having standards that are too high may cause you to feel anxious or stressed when you struggle to meet them. Likewise, making minor mistakes may make you feel guilty or ashamed. These emotions can lead to feelings of inadequacy. They can harm your well-being.


Perfectionism can impact your life in various ways. Recognizing the signs and symptoms is the first step in overcoming them. By identifying your behaviors, thought patterns, and emotions, you can start to change them. Next time, we will explore the causes of perfectionism and the different factors that contribute to it.

What are the signs of perfectionism you experience?