Explore signs of unhealthy digital habits and learn ways you can change your tendencies now

Technology plays a vital role in all aspects of our lives. While your devices offer countless benefits, excessive usage can harm mental health. Here, we will explore signs of unhealthy digital habits and offer ways to create habits that promote a more balanced lifestyle.

Unhealthy Digital Practices

As a start, you must be aware when your relationship with digital devices may be veering into harmful territory. Some common signs of bad habits include:


You spend too much time glued to screens for work or fun and neglect other duties.


Your sleep pattern is disturbed because you use digital devices late at night.


You prefer online interactions over talking face-to-face and feel lonely because of it.


You feel anxious when you cannot access your devices and have a constant urge to check your phone.

Best Practices

To prevent excessive digital use, you can set clear limits. One way to do this is to have specific times for device-free activities, such as meals, family time, and rest. Be mindful of the type of digital content you consume. Choose high-quality content that you really enjoy. Don't mindlessly engage in activities that drain your energy. Finally, nurture real-world relationships and make it a point to talk face-to-face with loved ones. Make sure you put your digital devices away when you do so. If you find it hard to break these bad habits by yourself, don't hesitate to seek help from friends, family, or mental health professionals. They can offer advice and support as you work towards a more balanced lifestyle.


Creating good digital habits is vital for your mental health. By knowing the signs of unhealthy digital practices and applying the outlined strategies, you can regain control of your time and attention. In the final part of this series, we will explore how you can attempt a complete digital detox.

What digital habits do you need to change?