How to navigate the digital landscape safely, avoid overstimulation, and prevent FOMO in your mind

In today's digital world, the constant stream of online content can leave you feeling swamped. One common problem it causes is the fear of missing out (FOMO). Furthermore, you can get overstimulated if you spend too much time on your devices. Here, we will delve into the ins and outs of FOMO and overstimulation in the digital age. We will explore their causes and offer practical advice to cope with them.

Fear of Missing Out

FOMO is a feeling of unease from missing out on good experiences. This is often fueled by social media. Common triggers include seeing friends' posts about social events you were not invited to or looking at other people's milestones. FOMO can create the urge to stay constantly connected. This can take a toll on your mental health as you may become lonely or worried. To manage FOMO, you enjoy the present rather than fixate on what others are doing. Practice gratitude to help yourself offset feelings of envy or missing out. You can also set limits around your social media use to reduce the triggers of FOMO. Set clear rules and times for checking social media. Also, take frequent breaks to rest your mind. Shift your mindset from FOMO (fear of missing out) to JOMO (joy of missing out). Embrace the freedom to prioritize your well-being and engage in activities that bring you joy, even if it means skipping out on other events.


Other than FOMO, overstimulation is another common problem in this digital age. When your senses are overwhelmed by excessive screen time, you may fatigue or become anxious. Some of the usual culprits include viewing too much content, multitasking, and task-switching. To prevent overstimulation, you can periodically disconnect from digital devices to give your mind a break. Engage in offline activities where you can relax. You can spend time in nature, read a book, or practice meditation. Just like with FOMO, you can set limits on your screen time. Be intentional about the content you consume. Pick quality over quantity, and choose media that nourish your mind rather than overwhelm it.


FOMO and overstimulation are common problems in our digital world, but you can overcome them. By being more mindful and setting limits, you can explore the digital world more safely and reclaim control over your mental health.

Do you often feel FOMO or overstimulated?